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We believe that we can transform society by serving people in situations of vulnerability with Roof, Work and Treatment to reduce damage.

The objective of this program is to provide a better life for people in situations of vulnerability, drug addicts, homeless, jobless, unattended and hostages to a wrong hygienist policy, which uses violent approaches and has privileged real estate speculation in the region of Light, to the detriment of life.

We serve, welcome and treat these people as human beings.
And we want this to become public policy to transform this reality so cruel and unnecessary.
Come with us!


Roof- The "territory" that the person occupies in the world is fundamental to the notion of individuality, which is the basis for self-esteem.
Housing First is the term adopted in countries like Canada. Here, it's Ceiling.


Work - Having activities, feeling useful, producing, having the ability to generate income and self-support is what provides the leverage for a person to rise and be able to seek and maintain treatment.


Treatment through Harm Reduction has as principles the service, the reception and the individualized approach.

Our partners and co-creators

These people, organizations, collectives and companies help the Ceiling, Trampo, Treatment project to consolidate and become public policy:

We are a family owned and operated business.

@ cia.pessoaldofaroeste

We are a family owned and operated business.



First, a Ceiling. This is the basic need of every human being.
In a situation of vulnerability, this condition becomes fundamental.
Therefore, in the Teto Trampo Treatment Program, a quarter of a pension and monthly allowance of half a minimum wage will be available for each person served, for a period of 4 (four) months.
Having a "territory" to guarantee their individuality, each attendee now has access to the possibilities of Trampo and Treatment, in a complementary and integrated way.

Teto para Mc Nego Bala.jpeg

We are a family owned and operated business.

This excerpt from the article published by the Politize website, clarifies some important aspects about the Ceiling issue.

" Until the 1980s, seen as destitute and guilty of their own condition, people on the street did not have any law that guaranteed at least some rights. Such a scenario was global and the theme was not part of the public policy norms. even in the so-called developed countries. In the following decade, at last, our country began to discuss it and to direct more public resources to shelters and rehabilitation homes.

In the 2000s, the debate started to have a greater presence in the public sphere, through the promotion of national meetings and the expansion of protection laws, with the inclusion of the subject in political discussions of social assistance. We highlight the presence of the topic in the National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS) and in article 23 of the Organic Law on Social Assistance (LOAS). Another example worth mentioning is the realization of the first and only National Survey in Brazil in 2008, responsible for collecting demographic and socioeconomic data.

Although the discussion gained momentum in the late twentieth century, very little was said about actually ending the problem, in Brazil and in the world. The idea of ​​bringing initiatives that not only mitigated, but solved the situation came up with the psychologist Sam Tsemberis of the North American NGO "Pathways to Housing". His ideas culminated in the creation of a method that became public policy, “Housing First”, whose translation could be “housing first”.

As the name says, he understands housing as the first step in the intervention process. In other words, the usual order of assistance is reversed, prioritizing, first of all, allocating homeless people to an individualized home. The idea is to generate opportunities for community integration, in addition to improvements in physical and mental health through the stability brought by housing. Until then, going home was the last stage of long and inefficient treatment processes, which did not take into account the individual's autonomy and failed to break simple and important barriers to entering the job market ".
The complete story can be accessed by clicking on this link.



Work is a structuring factor for every individual. For this reason, the Program guarantees Trampo and fair remuneration. Through the partnership with Coletivo Tem Sentimento, cis and trans women have access to workshops and courses to be able to work and generate their own income.
The Program focuses on women because they are in a situation of great violence and helplessness, being victims of other homeless people, in addition to their own companions.
Another activity is RÁDIO KAWEX, which has hired musicians, gives voice to artists in the region and brings interviews with more than special guests.
Every Tuesday, at 8 pm, the radio is on the air!

Arte @taratayx

Radio that does not play at Frozen Castle.
Art by Tara Tayx

Direção de arte @atilafc Arte flyer @taratayx

Art direction @atilafc | Flyer art: @taratayx

Foto @satodobrasil, tratamento do zito, lambes @paulestinos_

Photo: @satobrasil, Zito treatment, lick @paulestinos

The Tem Sentimento Collective is based on the plurality of feelings that involve our relationship with the world, with
the other, with the street and with ourselves, considering the anger, the revolt, the longing for what one does not have, and also almost mainly, love.

Created by Carmen Lopes in 2016 and since then, it has been doing work that recognizes and considers all the complexities that involve the vulnerabilities of those who live on the street, specifically in the region of Cracolândia.

Today, the Collective develops an income generation project with and for cis and trans women who live on the outskirts of Cracolândia, through a fashion workshop. These women produce and are remunerated, so that from a process
financial autonomy, may be able to take the choices and paths they decide. These same women served, also play a role in caring for other people, with other vulnerabilities, within the social actions that
the Collective develops, as in the delivery of lunch boxes, hygiene kits, masks or food.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The Radio that does not play in the Frozen castle is a permanent and periodic activity that offers work for musicians like Artur Gomes and MC Nego Bala, and gives a voice to artists from the region. Yes, in the streets of Cracolândia there are many artists that the mainstream media prefer not to see. Here they appear, there is a time and a voice.
The name of the radio is a tribute to Antonio Carlos do Nascimento, one of the voices of the stream, which came to be called Sabotage da Cracolândia, which he left us recently. KAWEX is an anagram of KOMBAT ARGUMENT WAR EXTREME.

In the program, in addition to artists from the region, activists and politicians in general are invited for interviews and have space to express themselves freely.
Tune in on the channel @ cia.pessoaldofaroeste on Instagram, every Tuesday, 8pm.



Treatment, within the concept of harm reduction, consists of a repertoire of care, consisting of a set of singular and collective strategies aimed at people who use, abuse or depend on drugs.
As a premise, the reception regardless of any condition opens the door for each attendee to be taken care of individually and with regular monitoring.

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Project participants will receive frequent visits from doctors, art therapists, harm reducers and nurses. During the process, an individual Therapeutic Project will be developed, which will be carried out with the rear and partnership with PROAD / UNIFESP, where general meetings will be held to discuss individual cases.

Reduce Damage

Reduza Danos

Collaborate with the Ceiling Trampo Treatment Program:

1 - Publicize our social networks @tetotrampotratamento on facebook and instagram, publicize our website and our actions.

2 - Make a donation:

- donate a comment on our posts
- help us in the search for partnerships
- be a volunteer in face-to-face work in the region

- donate media and dissemination
- donate basic food baskets
- donate water
- donate PFF2 masks
- donate hygiene and cleaning products

3 - Covers its councilors, mayor and governor, deputies and senators so that they encourage and approve guidelines for harm reduction in public policies.

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